Commissioners Have An Epiphany

After seven months of non-stop cheerleading, and $100,000 plus in taxpayer funds spent on outside attorneys and consultants, the Monroe County Commissioners had a most unlikely epiphany  — work on the Charter Government proposal must stop immediately.   County Commissioners would never cave so easily after spending all that time and your tax dollars on it.  … Read more

Starter Charter Will Flood Keys with Higher Taxes

Monroe County government (which is spending $667 million taxpayer dollars this year for just 82,000 residents!) wants more money. According to county experts, there are several absolutely “critical” infrastructure and resiliency projects in need of billions of dollars funding. Since property taxes are at the max for homeowners, the county is pushing for voter approval … Read more

Our Imperious County Commissioners

Monroe County Commissioners have embraced the county’s wildly ambitious vision statement: “Creating a Better Life Every Day for Everyone in the Florida Keys.” Sounds like a job better suited for God, but commissioners are undeterred. No wonder county spending is exploding. Commissioners increased spending by an astounding 44% in the last two years. Yet most … Read more

Beware of Foreign Entanglements

“Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence, (I conjure you to believe me fellow citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican Government.” President George Washington’s farewell address, 1796. Below is a list of just … Read more

Spending, Traffic, Overdevelopment, Bureaucracy

Outside of the Monroe County Sheriff, most county residents don’t know what commissioners annually spend hundred of millions of tax dollars on: Commissioners are expanding existing bureaucracies and creating new ones like the Sustainability Department and a Department of Transportation with only one employee so far, a high paid director. The boundless growth of Monroe … Read more

KAP is Coming in 2024!


Welcome to the Keys Accountability Project that will finally bring accountability of our Florida Keys Government officials in Monroe County, Florida. Bookmark our website as we get ready for a full launch in early 2024.